Found Thoughts
Cleaning through papers, why and how do I manage to accummulate so much paper. Oy. I don't know. Paper must be able to reproduce by spontaneous generation or something. Makes no sense.
Cleaning through paper, I found some musings.
A Note - from when I phone doodled, before I went totally cordless. In jersey, in the kitchen, I had to sit to talk on the corded phone.
Sat. July 27, 2002 BRUCE :-)
defining energy manifestations for teaching spiritiuality and consciousness.....
Like the stones in Stonehenge, which exist in the physical as real as they can be, yet their energy is in the relam beyond. I had a very profound experience of what I refer to as 'slo 'time --- when you are neither here nor there but in both places at once -- when I visited Stongehenge. So many myths surround it. Again, because it is the resonating of the energy. (hehe I use the word also Dr. Emoto). The energy is profound, and has contained within it that feeling of more exists here than meets the eye. The myth connects to Moses carrying the Tablets down from the Mountain. How could he carry such heavy tablets? Because ALL their energy was supernal - beyond the physical.
Stonehenege and many other markers are here - markers, reminders that there is no beginning and no end.
Now we're back to now meaning today Nov 23, 2005 --21 Cheshvan 5766.
With all the current Natural disasters, a lot of these markers - reminders - are being revealed. They existed in the past. They exist again. They never went away, they were just concealed, or 'in exile' as the kabbalists say. In the continuum, in the point of absolute singularity, there is no such thing as time.
In my cleanings, I picked up a book by Edgar Cayce on Atlantis, published 1968. Boy, am I good at accummulating. Especially books. I'm looking through it. Very interesting.
What he saw in his clairvoyant journeys back in the 1920's and 30's have now been unearthed. Fascinating. Edgar Cayce would have loved Stargate Atlantis, I'm sure. Of course, he mentions Jersey. Everybody mentions Jersey.
Dogma - the Movie with Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. It's funny. Rent it.
Musing Girl is trying to point out the Grand Connection within the symbolic metaphors that occurr constantly. We are always being given glimpses into a larger whole. Everything exists.
It isn't necessary to give a complex mathemetical equation, or to use language beyond comprehension.
There is no sound when there is silence.
The falling snow
Makes no sound
to the silence

snow in wales in 2004
amen = mashlach = 91
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