Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Colour Green and, Is it really easy being green?

Whilst out driving this morning, the colur green was impressively manifest.

We're getting that spring green here in Florida now. What a colour.

Green is not a primary colour. It is formed by mixing blue and yellow = green. Metaphysically green is the colour of healing, of new beginnings, of balance (green is central column in kabbalah) and calmness. Green is always a safe colour to use in energy healing - green never hurts. Green is associated with all growth, as we have thriving chlorophyll and photosynthesis on the planet. In chakra therapy, green is the colour of the heart chakra, although most clairvoyants perceive heart chakra as pink. In today's society, materialistically, green is associated with ecology and money. hmmm.

Seeing colour is the perception of the wavelengths of light. The reflected colour is what we see. The retina in our eyes contains rods and cones. The rods perceive black, white and shades of grey. The cones are the colour receptor cells. There are 3 basic types of cone cells - blue, green and red. We perceive green by the cones processing short and long wavelengths of light. This is how it goes with wavelengths. Green's visable wavelength is 510nm. Grass appears green because all other visible spectrum colours are absorbed, leaving the green wavelength reflected, so it appears green. White reflects all wavelengths while black absorbs all wavelengths.

Since seeing is a sense and a perception, some scientists say that colour doesn't really exist except in our minds. The retina and the rods and cones relay information to the brain which interprets it. Different cultures see different colours differently. How's that for a paradox of the false reality. If someone were to ask me if you could smell a colour, I would have to answer yes. Green especially has smell associated to it. Green things have scent, from the grass to pond scum, which is algae.

The brain can recognize more varieties of the colour green than any other colour.

What's green? Trees, plants, cat's eyes. Veggies. The sun. Lots of cool stuff. And, let us not forget those little green glowing pigs.

Cool green websites.

Is it easy being green? Or is it just part of the false reality.

hmmming in green and eating lettuce, lots of lettuce. green food doesn't make you full.



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