Dalai Llama News must be Posted
Exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader, the Dalai Lama, has criticised pro-Chinese comments made by a younger spiritual leader.
The remarks were made by the Panchan Lama, who is just 16 years old. Rupert Wingfield Hayes reports from Beijing.
BBC NEWS: VIDEO AND AUDIO Dalai Lama rejects spiritual leader's praise of China
On his 70th birthday, His Holiness the Dalai Llama said he would not reincarnate again.
I may be a student of Kabbalah, but at this point at this time on this planet there is only one person i trust completely
His Holiness the Dalai Llama
Yup. I think we're in for a wild ride. Even more wild than we can imagine in our wildest imaginations.
Hi VickiB. I've heard/read remarks that His Holiness might not reincarnate again for several years now. He first suggested it in around 1998/9 I believe. I think it may have been to dissuade the Chinese from making further attempts on his life (with plans to 'find' a new Dalai Lama and raise him as a Communist stooge, as they have the Panchen Lama). It also is part of his attempt to get fellow Tibetans to rely on him less and take up the Tibet cause for themselves (some see him as an all powerful savior figure, leading to complete inaction and waiting).
You're right though; we are in for a wild ride - one which we need to be active participants in more than ever before (and some prayers for the long life of His Holiness wouldn't hurt). Best wishes.
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