A Piece of Peace :)
A Piece of Peace
Title Courtesy will powers
of course you know I've been trying to get these pics up for days, but it seems to be a mathematical equation for this blog that I need will in order to do that. Talk about Circular Quantum Synchronicity, will ya? Gotta love it. Just gotta love it.
Thanks will. :)
sunset winter solstice dec 21
thank you Manny and Doreen for inviting me into your home for Christmas Eve. You guys have one of the most wonderful families I've had the honour to know.
Venus is the Evening Star Dec 25th, 1st night of Chanukkah. I like how you can see 3 colours of the sky. love this Nikon coolpix digital camera.
Mars is at the Top of the Sky when it appears at dark now - much much smaller to the eye
Florida Blue Sky in December - blue skies looking at me nothin but blue skies do i see - the secret is you need to look UP
Chanukkah Menorah 4th day - that is today 28 Kislev
if we all makes pieces of Peace, then we put our pieces together, we have put the puzzle together.
Light Shining through the Darkness is part of what this Season is all about.
B'H, we shall continue to shine our light and create our Peace within, then shine it outwards as the light of the Menorah does. I've learned a lot about the principle of fighting darkness with light, and how the aspect ratio of resistance fits in. Just like Jacob and the Angel - we're always fighting with ourselves. In order to create the piece of Peace within ourselves, we need to feel what it is like without it. It is the pleasure principle - pleasure comes before desire. Pleasure ignites the passive spark to active - to desire. When I look deep within, the silence is there. So is the total connection. When I look without, I get lost a lot. The secret is, I think, to be within and without at the same time. That is why the sybolism of Light is so prevelant now. We need to know. Da'at is knowledge. Da'at was the first sphere to emerge. Somehow it makes sense.
will has me writing with the Thesaurus open now.
Thank you will for getting this post up.
Stop War
blushing. many thanks and more than many.
you can only see the lightning when the sky is dark.
reminds me of Cheryl Crow's new song on Wildflower -
when you hear the rolling thunder do you turn around before the lightning strikes.
nope, not me
you're beautiful too will.
looking forward to the next dimension of our connection - a phone call to the UK?
ha, lets muse on that one.
Beauty is Tifetet Central Column Jacob Yakov. You don't even know how synchronistic it is that you chose that word today.
namaste and om shanti and paix and pace and shalom
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