Saturday, December 24, 2005

Silent Night

Silent night.

as long as you are human on earth now, this will move you i'm sure.

the Covenant of Peace.

thank you Lori for sending this to me to blog.


Blogger ileya said...

I love reading all your musings. I find myself drawn to your blog often, to read to reflect on my own musings.
I have been heartbroke at the divisions of Holydays I have been seeing.. I am so grateful that you have shared this beautiful and enlightened thought of our season of light..
I do not believe that Holyness belongs to only one group of people or that we can gain deeper ablitys to love by seperating our beliefs into this way or that way to honor life... I see each and every tradition as equally precious and Holy. This amazing little movie says it all, I am so thrilled to see you passed it on. Thank you Vicki, for spreading the light.
Love and light, Blessings and blissings. Namaste, Ileya

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 6:37:00 AM  
Blogger ileya said...

Your welcome dear one. Some one else sent it to me, and I sent her a note when I saw it in here, to let her know just how far the light she shares has spread.

What a wonderful tool to spread light and love and peace. Ileya

Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:32:00 PM  
Blogger VickeB said...

it's all about sharing and caring in the end.
when you participate in igniting a spark, light is revealed where before there was not light revealed.
you've got to love this blogging venue.
you've just got to love it.

Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:04:00 PM  

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