Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Russians are Thinking

Out of Russia ( I still have trouble not saying The Soviet Union).
Fascinating. Thanks teri.
The Comet is cited. I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else in this context. The adjustment to time is also noted. Time being that concept which exists in the physical realm of time keeping, clocks and such.
Latest geophysical discovery to overturn all concepts of Earth's history

12/28/2005 23:35
Earth may have been formed in the wink of an eye, new study says
Our planet assumed the present form 4.5 billion years ago. It has not virtually changed the original appearance ever since. Earth was suitable for conceiving and developing life forms from the first moments of existence. A team of Western researchers reject the theories about Earth being completely covered with oceans before the first marine species stepped onto the shore.
In short, the story of the discovery looks like this. A rare-earth metal hafnium combined with the crystals of zirconium was found in Jack Hills, a massif in Western Australia. The rocks of the mountain range are considered the oldest in the world (estimated age is 4.4 billion years). Researchers used a radioisotope analysis to find out that the continental crust had formed 4.4-4.5 billion years ago. The continental crust differs from the ocean one by its makeup and thickness. It was previously thought that the continental crust had gradually melted out of the ocean crust.
"Looks like Earth formed in the wink of an eye," says one of the researchers, Dr. Steven Moses at the University of Colorado. "If the theory proves to be right, all today's concepts concerning the formation of Earth will have to be completely revised. Perhaps researchers will have to study the civilizations of Atlanteans and other ancestors whose stories had been regarding as pure fiction before. Assuming that a protein life form existed on Earth several billion years ago, the possibility of those of civilizations looks no longer utopian," says the researcher.
A team of researchers led by Dr. Moses conducted a study regarding the formation of water. The study shows that water appeared on the earth's surface about 4.3 billion years ago. The findings contradict the previous theory saying that water condensed from the atmosphere 3.8 billion years ago. According to researcher, the new findings indicate that the earth's crust, its oceans and atmosphere existed from the very beginning, and the planet Earth was suitable for life in those prehistoric times.
"Dozens of various theories of the origins of Earth were put forth during the long history of science," says Valery Rudukov, senior researcher of the Institute of Physics of Earth under the Russian Academy of Sciences. "Buffon's theory was quite popular at the beginning of the last century. According to theory, the Sun was a white-hot mass when it collided with a comet. The collision resulted in a big hot chunk of the Sun being torn away and split into several parts. The parts later formed planets that went on to circulate round the Sun due to centrifugal and centripetal forces. According to Buffon's theory, the planets might be the parts of incandescent solar matter and therefore might be originally incandescent. The gradual lowering of temperatures on Earth led to the inception and evolution of life. However, the same theory says that the temperatures will continue to drop. All organic life forms will be reduced and killed in the end by the cooling," says Dr. Rudakov.
Many researchers argued against Buffon's theory. Different researchers have different ideas regarding the origins of life. The drifting continents theory and a few others were regarded the most correct in our time. But none of the theories could explain how things were taking shape billions of years ago. A bold hypothesis of the European researchers will probably shed light on many issues.
Read the original in Russian: (Translated by: Guerman Grachev)

Click on the word links. They did a very good job pointing out the synchronicity.
Everybody is musing. Everybody is thinking. Everybody is questioning.
What has been concealed is being revealed. Everything is connected.

Interesting Daily Dose today. Both emails came in at the same time.

The Last War
Some people are waiting for a final, apocalyptic war. But the final war is not fought on battlefields, nor at sea, nor in the skies above. Neither is it a war between leaders or nations. The final war is fought in the heart of each human being, with the armies of his or her deeds in this world. The final war is the battle of Chanukah and the miracle of light.

There is nothing quite so moving as the 8th night of the Chanukkah Menorah, with the flames reaching outward, aglow and afire.
Keep on streching. Keep on reaching. Keep on searching. Keep on questioning.
Keep on revealing your light.
Keep on seeking.
Keep on keepin on.
Excellent video - especially the music. David Broza is the Israeli Bruce Springsteen.

Shavuah Tov
Happy Chanukkah


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