Interesting Mail
Very interesting mail today. I got mail from His Holiness the Dalai Llama, and Richard Gere.
In the petition we are being urged to take an action in defense of religious freedom by signing an Affirmation of Religious Freedom which will be delivered personally by Richard Gere with thousand of others to the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
I said OK. I signed. My name is out there now. If His Holiness says please do this, I will.
Pinchas taught us that you must define your consciousness through action.
Simple as that. We're all trying to save the world, and in the reality of quantum thoughts each bit of energy is necessary. Each word written on a piece of paper is necessary. I'm being asked to participate .
Then, I also received mail from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s Natural Resources Defense Council, who are presenting a petition to the U.S. Senate to oppose the current administraion's plans to weaken our environmental safeguards. They're asking me to sign.
Then, from Wall of Tolerance for a new Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery Alabama. I can have my name put on the wall.
Musing girl hmmmms. It is very very important that this is a 3. Things that come in 3's are to be noticed.
I'm asking to put my name out there, to take a stand.
I will. I'll listen.
OH WOW!!! I just realized that it isn't 3, it is 4. Anne sent me the headlines on Bruce from the Jersey Star Ledger.
4 is even more important than 3, according to Rabbi Ginsburgh . In the lecture I listened to yesterday, he explained that in sacred numerology, 4 comes before 10, the perfect humber, because 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10. so you need 4 to make 10.
This is even more amazing than I first thought.
Shabbos comes early these days - candelighting 5:11 today.
Shabbat Shalom
everybody should be glad i'm not posting the transcription of Rabbi Ginsburgh's audio lecture on the Hebrew Alep Bet. But I will be using it as reference time and time again. fascinating. fascinating.
my name in out there now. phews. this was a hard decision to make. but i was taught that you must take a stand. and, you can't forget to remember. and I got mail from the Dalai Llama. :) Pupina.
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