The Anger of Righteous Indignation
This month of the arousal of anger of righteous indignation doesn't exactly float my boat.
I'm trying to deal with it a little differently than I have in the past. The anger is aroused. Absolutely positively without a doubt sans doubt. I feel it. Lets get kabbalistic for a moment while i quantumly muse. The anger and the arousal of the anger is there for a reason. When you see things, remember the seeing of the ayin - it the energy of seeing manifesting along with the energy of the anger of righteous indignation. ayin eye seeing, anger liver arousal. hmmmm.
Let me present a few examples now. It is oooohhhhh you don't know how extremely undeniably consumingly difficult it is for me to control the anger and not blog on with total righteous indignation. (punctuation note - commas omitted purposly). There is one thing that I will mention. That just makes me so angry. And I'm having trouble transmuting this - by transmuting, I inferr the concept of changing darkness into light. Here it is. People don't do their jobs anymore. Not only do they not do them, they don't care that they aren't doing them. Everybody from customer service reps (by the way, in case you haven't noticed, there is no such thing as customer service anymore) to doctors. "I don't know". "I'm sorry, I can't help you with that". " You'll have to talk to somebody else because I don't Know." "Sorry" Wow. Blows my head. If I had ever done my job like that - wow. Different times. Different energy. It makes me very angry.
The State of the World makes me very angry. It definitely can be categorized as the anger of righteous indignation. And it most certainly is aroused. We are now in a time of the concealed being revealed. The news drives me insane. History is writing itself as we speak. Ariel Sharon is alive, B'H. He has entered History as a Great Warrior. Fascinating, isn't it. Two weeks ago, everything was different. We , as a global people, are watching history write itself. There is a certain amount of humble honour in that. But it is hard to turn it around. I'm training myself to think with a new seeing. If I truly believe in energy in all its magnificent manifestations, then there must be a way. In the quantum realm, in the place beyond time, space and motion, everything exists. Let me think a new quantum reality, where as a Great Warrior of Eretz Israel lies alive but damaged, there will be a rebirth of compassion between the peoples who share the land. . Simple. But oh so hard to do. But everytime I do it, every time I think it, it becomes a little just a little bit easier. And also because, why not. In a parallel universe it exists. Because all possibilities exist.
Then we have the issue of Global Warming, and the melting of the glaciers. When I think of it, oh I rage. Because WE did it. And now WE have to fix it. The EARTH is recreating herself as I blog, did you know? And when I think of the species that are going extinct, I fume. So instead I think, the glaciers have covered that spot for millions of years. Since the last ice age. The Earth, the earth itself, that is being revealed has never been revealed before. There will be growth. There will be new species adapting to a different climatology. In the new growth, in the recreation, will be the seed of the cure for all disease. Good Quantum Universe, don't ya think?
Believe me, I can rage and fume with the best of them. Notice I'm not using any
U. S. of A. political examples here. Whoa. Gimme a break. That good, I'm not.
And then again, in another seeing, what I know is that there is an awful lot going on. And that still isn't enough. More has to go on.
More change is coming as the train goes rolling down the tracks.
What a beautiful planet we have. What a majestic Universe.
I love Quantum Synchronicity
This is from a Yahoo Group called "Divine Ground of Being"
The Divine Eye and the Divine Ear, From East To Westt
There is an axiom of wisdom found in many world scriptures about seeing the Kingdom of God (spiritual dimensions) spiritually or mystically with new eyes, and hearing spiritually with new ears. This axiom of wisdom about"seeing what no physical eye has seen and what no material ear has heard"appears in many ancient scriptures of the West and East. Visionary mysticism, inner seeing and hearing are universal experiences of contemplative souls in the various world religions.
In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, the Master said: "I will give you what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, what no hand has touched, and what has never occurred to the human mind." ("The Nag Hammadi Library In English", Coptic Gospel of Thomas, Saying # 17)
Living spiritual Masters teach their students how to see and hear spiritually, initiating them into "the Mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens." I know a few such living Masters. They are rare, but they do exist.
Within the human body, with eyes closed during meditation, there are different kinds of light, stars, moons, and suns, dark voids, lights within lights, visions within visions like a tunnel, and beyond these is bright light like the noonday sun. But the "blind leading the blind" will never speak of these, only the Masters.
A Manichaean scripture from Central Asia: "....that I may redeem you from death and annihilation, I will give you what you have not seen with the eye nor heard with the ears nor grasped with the hand." (Turfan fragments, translated in "Gnosis On The Silk Road,")
The tenth century Persian Sufi Master Abd al-Qadir al-Jalani quotes an interesting passage from the Quran: "I have prepared for My righteous servants that which no eye has ever seen, of which no ear has ever heard, and of which has never occurred to the heart of man." ("Concerning the Affirmation of Divine Oneness", Al-Baz Publishing)
In the Ethiopian Bible is preserved a Jewish apocryphal text: "And this angel said to me, Isaiah, son of Amoz, I set you free; for you have seen what no mortal man has ever seen before. Yet you must return to your garments of the flesh until your days are completed. Then will you come up here." (Ascension of Isaiah 11: 34)
Jesus-Yeshua: "How privileged are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. I swear to you, many prophets and righteous ones have longed to see what you see and didn't see it, and to hear what you hear and didn't hear." (Matthew 13: 16-17 = Q/Luke 10: 23 - 24 -- New Testament and SayingsGospel Q)
"His power will be given to them, which no eye has seen nor ear heard. And they will rejoice in My Kingdom." (Jesus, "Testament of the Lord in Galilee")
From a prayer found in the Mandaean scriptures of Iraq: "Thou hast showed us that which the eye has not seen, and caused us to hear that which the human ear has not heard. Thou has freed us from death and united us with Life, released us from darkness, and united us with Light....... Thou hast shown us that which the eye has not seen, and caused us to hear that which the human ear has not heard." ("Canonical Prayer Book of the Mandaeans", E.S. Drower)
The Single Eye Saying and Its Parallel in the Gospel of Thomas: "If therefore your Eye is Single, your whole body will be full of Light." (Matthew 6:22 New Testament)
"It is I who come from that which is integrated. I was given some of the things of my Father.....Therefore I say that such a person, once integrated, will become full of Light; but such a person, once divided will become full of darkness." (Bently Layton translation, Gospel of Thomas, from Saying 61)
"I am the one who comes from what is whole. I was granted from the things of my Father.....For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with Light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness." (Complete Gospels translation, Gospel of Thomas, from Saying 61)
The Divine Eye According to the Buddha: "With the Divine Eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, a bhikkhu surveys a thousand worlds. Just as a man with good sight when he has ascended to the upper palace chamber, might survey a thousand wheel-rims, so too, with the Divine Eye, which is purified and surpasses the human, a bhikkhu surveys a thousand worlds."The Divine Ear According to the Buddha: "I have proclaimed to my disciples the way whereby with the Divine Ear element, which is purified and surpasses the human, they hear both kinds of sounds, the divine and the human, those that are far as well as near. Just as a vigorous trumpeter might make himself heard without difficulty in the four quarters; so too, I have proclaimed to my disciples the way whereby with the Divine Ear element .. . .far as well as near. And thereby many disciples of mine abide having reached the consummation and Perfection of Direct Knowledge." ("The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha -- A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya," Teachings of the Buddha translated by Bhakkhu Nanamoli and Bhikkhu Bodhi, Wisdom Publications)
From India, Sant Kabir:May I see You with my eyes,hear Your Soundwith my own ears.Speak Your Namein my own words, O Lord;rest Your flower-like feeton my heart.("Songs of Kabir From the Adi Granth",translated by Nirmal Dass)Sant Darshan Singh, who was actually paraphrasing Guru Nanak from India, put it this way:"Since the highest spiritual realm is beyond the reach of the mindand intellect, mere words cannot describe it. It is said that inthat stagewe speak without tongue,we see without eyes,we hear without ears,we walk without feet, andwe work without hands."All that has been said by the Saints and Seers about that realmis only a hazy approximation and a symbolic representation. Butone thing can be said:"There is no language there except for one,and that is the language of love."("Spiritual Awakening," SK Publications)
"And the soul which receives the Mystery of theIneffable will ascend to the Hight, being agreat outpouring of Light." (Pistis Sophia)"The ascension of the soul, stage by stage, tohigher regions can be accomplished with thehelp of Shabd. Hearing these Sounds, the soulwill proceed from one region to another, andwill ultimately reach the Highest Region, andenter into Rest." (Huzur Maharaj, Prem Patra)
"Do not cease seeking day or night, and do not letyourselves relax until you have found all the Mysteriesof the Kingdom of Light, which will purify you and makeyou into Pure Light and lead you into the Kingdom of Light. " (Yeshua, Pistis Sophia, the Egyptian Book of Faith-Wisdom)
"One's passage into the Astral Plane is aided by the Sound of a deeply resonant Bell. A dazzle of colors immediately emerges, subsiding into a deep blue, like the blue of a late afternoon sky. Subsequently a light appears in the blue, intense but diffused, as if veiled by a gauze screen. The soul aims for the light, penetrates the gauze, and arrives at a brilliant flame surrounded by a dense blue-black sky. That area, a higher realm within the Astral Plane, is called Shyam Kunj (the thicket of darkness), and it is regarded as the divine headquarters for managing both the Physical and Astral realms......The Master guides it [the soul] to a dark spot in the Light and a Sound similar to that of a conch shell, which it hears at first only distantly from a tunnel high above. The tunnel is called Banknal (the crooked path). Upon following the Sound into the tunnel, the soul turns around and then enters the next plane.""This second region is called the Causal Plane, for it is from here that the phenomenal world is ultimately generated......" (Swami Ji Maharaj, Sar Bachan, from a section on the Eight Heavens)
Different views on seeing.
another P.S.
I hate lawyers. They say absolutely nothing in the greatest amount of words.
"First we Kill all the Lawyers". Wm Shakespeare.
Thanks for thinking with me will.
and it is true about people not doing their jobs. in all my jobs (all - I had 2 - not a job hopper here) until 1995, we were a family. always. there was one rule. do your job and do it well. i was not in the corporate world however. but still, there was always pride, and you did your best because your job was a reflection of yourself. that is the kind of work ethic i was raised with.
as far as the earth goes, i also agree with you. we are but a fleeting passing form. yet, i do feel we have digressed from living coherently with the planet we are a part of. you know i try to put forth the most dispassionate viewpoint i can muster.
and that is what we are in the long run isn't is - students of life.
made ya think hahaha.
Shalom my friend.
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