Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Energy of Tevet - What a Shift

I feel a definite energy shift happening. I can only liken it to a crash -it isn't like crash and burn, it is more of a crash and shatter, or crashing up against a solid surface.
We've moved from Kislev- Sagittarius-to Tevet- Capricorn. It came through like a bomb. Not a gentle transition, just all of a sudden, totally different. Today, as it is 4thJanuary , is also 4thTevet. The days will coincide until January 29th.
I feel this energy shift. I feel this crashing. I want to know why.
And it isn't just me. People write about the after the holiday blues, everybody is wringing their hands because they spent so much money they don't have during the holiday season, which is now over, and blah. I've been blog surfing, and I would say that 1 out of 3 blogs say something about the lack of money now. You all know the drill.
So I will try to be the esoteric scientist I claim to be, and analysize this . And I'll use the Hebrew calendar, and the letter of the month to try and figure out what's up. Cause me senses doth knowest something is up.
Tevet is considered to be a 'negative' month, because in the month of Tevet the walls of the Holy Temple were first seiged. This led to the falling of both the 1st and 2nd Temples on the 9th of Av, which is in August. Tammuz, Cancer, is another seige month. All the 'negative' months in Judaism are associated with Holy Temple disasters. One of the Rabbi's I studied with said that the energy must come first - the energy for the negative action to be in play was there, so it happened. It seems that 10th Tevet is another fast day. There are 4 fast days in total - 2 majors, Yom Kippur and 9th Av, and 2 minors, 3rd Tishrei and 10th Tevet. I don't do this one. I just do 9th Av and Yom Kippur. Enough with commemorating the suffering, I say. Enough.
So, right away the sages are telling us that something happened in this month that we have to rectify. I don't want to dwell on this part. I can feel the anger in the energy. Rabbi G says that it is the anger of arousal - you must see your own negative inclinations in order to arouse the good - it is the same as the resistance principle. And the dark and the light. We are allowed to have positive anger. We need to be humble, and be able to see ourselves without all the cover ups.
And just as anger is the sense for the month, the Liver is the controlling organ. In the healing/energy modalities I've studied , we are taught that the anger from past lives in stored in the liver. So just the same in kabbalah - liver and anger are associated.

The letter for the month of Tevet is Ayin.
Ayin follows Samech in the Aleph Bet - samech is 15th letter, ayin is 16th.

Ayin's gematria is 70. Ayin means eye. Tevet starts off with the physical act of gazing at the Chanukkah candles, to help us to carry the lights of Chanukkah into our inner seeing. Ayin is a letter which connects us to divine seeing - all sides. Eye in like Eye of the Tiger, or Eye of the Needle - when you can't see but you must see.

Tyger Tyger burning bright

In the Forest of the Night

What Immortal Hand or Eye

Could frame thy fearful symmerty. (W. Blake)

That kind of eye.

The all seeing all knowing eye. The inner eye and the outer eye. In order to see the truth, we need to delve deep. It can be less than pleasant, and I say that with heart, from personal experience. The circle of Samech leads us to the perecption of Ayin - the all seeing eye. Divine gazing. We need to see choices and options, and be able to ascertain right from wrong. From the gematria, we can glean that there are 70 seeings.

The Hebrew letter Ayin connects the path from Tiferet to Binah. This letter has a numerical value of 70 which reminds us of the 70 bulls sacrificed at Sukkot, the 70 interpretations of the Torah, and the 70 nations. Ayin is also the first letter in the word Olah (sacrifice, burnt offering). To travel from Tiferet to Binah, we must sacrifice our own individual point of view in order to understand all the 70 correct but different ways in which things may be understood. Additionally, 70 is the numerical value of Sod (secret). By moving from the seat of the Self (Tiferet) to that place where thought gives birth to the world (Binah), secrets of creation are revealed to us. Furthermore, the remnant of a sacrifice is Aphar (ashes). However, by permuting the letters of Aphar, we arrive at the word Raphah (healing). By noting that after the destruction of the Temple, prayer was replaced by sacrifice, we begin to realize that the "remnant" that is left behind within us after praying is something which is also very healing to the soul. The letter Ayin also stands for Eeain (consider, reflect, meditate), and when spelled out as a word, Ayin has a numerical value of 130 which is the same as "ladder", "the priests", and "Sinai". Hence, through reflection upon the true meaning of things, we can ascend like a priest and arrive at the source of revelation within. "

Concept: The constant watchfulness of G-d over every element within Creation.

Meaning: An eye; color; a wellspring; sheep (in Aramaic).

Shape: A forced-open nun (the humble servant), with a vav (Divine flux) enwedged inside.

Number: 70.

Space: Kid-goat (Capricorn).

Time: Tevet.

Soul: Liver.

Sense: Anger.

Archetype: Dan.

Channel: From binah to tiferet. "

Here is the Tree of Life according to the Ari - you can see the ayin connecting Binah and Tiferet.

musing Sephirotically always helps me. So it means that the energy is connecting thusly - from Binah, left column, feminine, Mother, Ima, The Waters of Life flow from Binah, directly to central Column Tiferet, bypassing the lightening bolt. Binah can only receive from Chochmah, Wisdom. But Binah completes the Supernal Triad by also commecting back to Keter. Binah then goes to Chesed, Mercy, Right Column; then Gevurah, Might/Judgement, Left Column; then Gevurah to Tiferet, Central Column. Because the Right is contained in the Left, and both Left and Right are in the Center. Now the energy is coming straight down Center Column. We're getting dosed. It is up to us to use this gift wisely.

Then , it is our job do bring the divine aspect of seeing with the true inner eye down into the physical, into Malchut.

Ah, studying always does help. Took me 2 days and a lot of research to get this post up.

I also see a correlation here to His Holiness's starting the 12 day Buddhist "Kalachakra". I don't know what that is, but I will most certainly be doing a web surf on it. His Holiness is a Master of Energy, for sure, and I'm sure there is a correlation to the mating of the divine essences.

So, that's the energy we have until 29th January. Fascinating.

Let's see where we go this month.



Here is Kalachakra. I knew it must be synchronistic. 722 dieties = 722 energy sources. 70 is the number of ayin - 10 x 7. 700 = 70 x 10. 22 letters of the Aleph Bet. The same energy frequencies, described differently.

The Kalachakra Mandala
The Tibetan word for mandala is "kilkhor" which means "centre of the circle with exteriors walls and surrounding environment." Mandalas may be created with precious jewels, flowers, dyed rice, coloured stones, or coloured sand. Sand, traditionally made from crushed precious stones, is considered the most efficacious materials because of the precious substances involved and the great skill required to create the mandalas' exquisite details. Since each grain of sand is charged with the blessings of the ritual process, the entire sand mandala embodies a vast store of spiritual energy.
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, mandalas are created for rituals of initiation in which a highly qualified teacher grants permission to advanced disciples to engage in the tantric meditation practices. Both the deity, which resides at the centre of the mandala, and the mandala itself are recognised as pure expressions of the Buddha's fully enlightened mind. Symbolically the deity confers the initiations and the mandala is where the initiations takes place. Through the initiations ceremony the seed of enlightenment in each person's mind is nourished by the dynamic process of visualising and contemplating a mandala.
In essence the ceremony involves the transportation of disturbing emotions into beneficial intuition and wisdom. Normally such an initiation is given at the request of an individual or group of people. The altruistic motivation of the artist and sponsor is essential to the creation of mandala.

Everything in this mandala is the symbolic representation of some aspect of the Kalachakra deity and the deity's universe. There are 722 deities in the mandala which symbolise various manifestations of aspects of consciousness and reality, all part of the ultimate wisdom of the Kalachakra deity. Understanding and interpreting all of the symbols included in the mandala would be like reading the Kalachakra texts, which contains a vast range of teachings from cosmology to epistemology to psychology.
The Kalachakra Tantra is interpreted at three levels referred to as external, internal and alternative. The external concerns the laws of time and space of this physical world and accordingly deals with astronomy, astrology and mathematics. The internal concerns the elements and structure of the human body, including its energy system. The alternative is the doctrine, path and fruit of the actual meditational deity and its circular mandala abode.
The Kalachakra deity resides in the centre of the mandala. His palace consists of our mandala, one within another: the mandala of body, the mandala of speech, that of mind, and the very centre, wisdom and great bliss.
The palace is divided into four quadrants each with walls, gates, and a centre. The colours are specific representations of the elements and mental types. Black, in the east, is associated with the element of winds. The south is red, its elements is fire. The west is yellow, associated with the element of earth, and the north is white, represent water.
The square palace of the 722 deities is seated upon the first concentric circles, the first of which of which represents the earth. The other circles, represent water, fire, wind, space, and consciousness extend beyond the wall of the palace. The outer circles, a representation of the cosmos, is a source of Tibetan astrology. The ten wrathful deities who reside in one of the outer, concentric circles of the mandala serve as its protectors.
The Kalachakra sand mandala is dedicated to peace and physical balance, both for individual and for the world, thanks to the deities carefully among minute human, animal and floral forms, abstract pictographs, and the Sanskrit syllables that comprises the mandala's design.
Although depicted here on a flat surface, the mandala is actually three-dimensional, being a five-storeyed "divine mansion", at the centre of which stands the Kalachakra deity the manifest state of Enlightenment.
A person who simply sees this mandala many feel peace on many levels. According to the Dalai Lama, the Kalachakra deities create a favourable atmosphere, reducing tension and violence in the world. "It is a way of planting a seed, and the seed will have karmic effect. One doesn't need to be present at the Kalachakra ceremony in order to receive its benefits," he explains.
[ Homepage ] [ Buddhism ] This site is maintained and updated by The Office of Tibet, the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in London. This Web page may be linked to any other Web sites.

Synchronicity, I say. Concentric circles and levels of reality. With this ceremony the circular is being carried through. Kabbalah is also big on the seed metaphor. That is why the Hebrew calendar is lunar - to capture the seed essence of the month, and to help it grow and blossom with our input.

You may ask, why is a student of kabbalah posting buddhist doctrine? Because it all emerges from the same source, that's why. When I saw His Holiness in NYC in 2004, he spoke about the religion, the faith , that we are born into. His Holiness said that it was important to honour that, and to use it to create Peace in the world. Because there were many faiths put forth for a reason. We all need to do our part. Also, any knowledge I can gain about what is going on in the spiritual universe is welcomed by this musing girl.



Blogger VickeB said...

Didn't approve of Sharon's politics, esp. the Gaza withdrawal.
Israeli Prime Minister Sharon was the architect of the withdrawal plan. I thought it was a terrible terrible thing, Jews dragging Jews from their homes - it is making war not stopping war.
Change is good. If he lives, he'll be brain dead. The Jerusalem Post has an interesting article about the Assistant Minister and Kinesset.
Things are going to get interesting to say the least.
Hey will - who's Larry?
I was definitely never Pro Sharon.
In fact, just saw some old news reel with Moshe Dyan and the eye patch. Now, THAT was Israel.
I won't be posting everything about it, just following the story, because what happens in Israel tends to reverberate throughtout the Western world. That tiny little country.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:19:00 PM  
Blogger VickeB said...

yes and yes and yes to will.
clinton to bush was change, but look where we are. I look to Israel and its politics as a kind of guage as to what is going to happen next, esp in the US of A, because we are inexplicably tied to Israel. Politically. Sharon was in bed with Bush and the System. Sharon evacuated Gaza - bad bad bad. I've been anticipating a repurcussion from that.
And yes, we are both of the culture of the minority opressed. But so what. That is what gives us our strength of will. :)
We have to fight the oligarchs, the ego maniacs who think that just by virtue of their existence they can rule. No deal.
I think eyes will continue to be opened in the coming weeks.
I love Larry.
And the answer isn't in the politicians, it is in the peoples.

Thursday, January 05, 2006 3:54:00 PM  
Blogger VickeB said...

oh yeah - and sneaky how you directed me to your other persona - loved it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006 3:55:00 PM  
Blogger VickeB said...

We know that politics is ruled by politicians. But in the end, I still believe that it is the consciousness of the people of the world and not the politicians who will redeem it in the end, if it is redeemable.
Such a beautiful planet we have.
Remember, before 1948 there was no State of Israel.
I try to be as analytical as possible.
thanks will ness

Saturday, January 07, 2006 10:53:00 PM  

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