Kislev - Sagittarius Today is 5 Kislev 5766
Samech is the Hebrew letter for the month of Kislev= Sagittarius =Keshet=Bow.
Samech means "to support".
Samech is round and connected, see? Kislev is the 9th month in the Hebrew Calender.
It's gematria is 60. It is the 15th letter of the Hebrew Aleph Bet.
Kislev is represented by the rainbow,(keshet) as well as the archer with his bow. Kislev is a fire sign, air of fire in kabbalah.
Sefer Yetzirah, Book of Formation, is the first and oldest source of kabbalistic knowledge. Sefer Yetzirah assigns each month a Hebrew letter, along with a zodiac sign (Sagittarius). Each month also is given one of the 12 tribes of Israel, a corresponding sense, and a corresponding body part. Kabbalah just covers it all. :)
For example, here is a translated quote from Sefer Yetzirah for the month of Kislev :
"The letter Samech was crowned, and with it was created Sagittarius in the world, and Kislev in the year."
Sefer Yetzirah explains the role of each Hebrew Letter in the energy of Creation. Sefer Yetzirah Aryeh Kaplan ISBN# 0-87728-855-0 is a necessary reference for all students of kabbalah.
Simply, the Hebrew letter Samech metaphorically symbolizes no beginning, no end. It is the only letter with a connected, circular shape.
The Holiday occuring in the month of Kislev is Chanukkah, which starts sundown 25th Kislev, which this year falls at sundown on Christmas day. Chaunkkah is 25th Kislev, and Christmas is December 25th. Is there a synchronicy here? Is it the same thing?
May I am crazy, but it sounds like it to me. Traditionally, the Holidayof Chanukkah is celebrated by eating something fried, in a circlular shape :) See? In Israel, they eat donouts. If you are from Eastern European Heritage, you eat potato pancakes (latkes).
Rabbi Ginsburgh is revealing colours, B'H. The color for the month of Kislev is Blue-Violet. this font colour is pretty close. Fonts are not arbitrary, or are they ridiculous. Only I know what that means. Esoteric. See?
The sense corresponding to Kislev is sleep - how is sleep a sense you may ask? Ah well, this is kabbalah :) ! :). Logically, the sense of sleep is associated with dreams, so we have the ability to dream into the higher realms, so to speak, in this month of Kislev. (Fricky). ( Listening to Bruce he just said 'dream' I love it 'dream ' is one of Bruce's favourite words, springsteen that is) Therefore, because of the energy named Kislev, and the letter Samech, the circle unbroken. The Torah portions during the month of Kislev deal with dreams. Fascinating. It is very mathematical. Everythig relates, and it can be proven mathematically. I'm so grateful for Rabbi revealing his teachings through the internet. I'm a little conduit here Rabbi, but a conduit none the less. B'H. The dreams in the Torah are associated with Joseph, Yosef HaTzaddick, son of Rachel and Jacob. Joseph was a dreamer :) We'll see how that emerges as we muse along with Torah during this month. Torah musing is my favourite thing to do, bless my soul.
Rabbi Ginsburg, Bless him, is also revealing the gemstone. The High Priest's Breatplate had 12 stones, each associated with a Tribe of Israel. This is a quote from Rabbi - not on the website anymore I have it printed.
".....The gemstone of Kislev, the 9th month (which corresponds to 9 dreams in the Torah portions), is the 9th stone of the breatplate, the amethyst (achlama in Hebrew)......"
Then it goes on to explain how someone who wears amethyst will "see" dreams.
I'm remembering a personal synchronicity here. Marina told me to wear an amethyst. Must find those stone. Remember to be aware and to listen.
Returning from looking for ameythists now. A miracle. Kislev is truly the month of miracles.
Went to the box, unpacked, China Closet. Never unpacked it. Both amethyst stones were RIGHT ON TOP, ITCHING TO BE RELEASED!!!!!! RIGHT ON TOP!!!!!. See?
Lets see what else happens that we can muse as Kislev manifests into fullness. Its fun.
Peace on Earth
(pics wont load)

This is the Amethyst from Uraguay.
They are so happy to be out.
remember the soul of the universe willed a world and it appeared
muse on baby, muse on.
posting this thursday december 8. now i'm walking around with an amethyst in my cleavage :)
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