Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Birds in the Trees Sing Songs for the Leaves

pic from thank you webshots for all your wonderful photos.

The Birds in the Trees Sing Songs for the leaves.

Parashat BeShalach blew my mind. I've never heard the Song of the Sea sung so beautifully.

My soul soared within the inner secrets of the sanctity.

My physical pain is unbearable. A spasm in my left hip and glut muscle last night left me wasted. I was sure it was the end for me. I've never felt such pain. When I saw the muscle twitching and realized it was a spasm, I hurled my body against any available protruding hard surface to break the spasm. It broke, I don't remember how.

This is one of the quintessential paradoxes of existence for me - why the pain and suffering.

The pain is weakening me.

In the meantime, I'll muse through the pain.

Shavuoah Tov.


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